Website Launch Authorization

Your new website is ready to launch!

But there are a few things we need from you first…

Take a few minutes to read the information below, and fill out the short form. Click “Submit Approval”, and we’ll get to work launching your site!

By clicking “I approve” and submitting this form, you (the customer) are authorizing TradeBark, LLC (the company) to publish your website and make it live. You the customer have fully reviewed the staging and/or demo website provided to you by us, and approve it to go live exactly as it is at the time you submit this form for approval.

You understand that TradeBark provides 30 days of support free of charge to correct any errors or omissions if any are discovered, and provide additional support and training after website launch using any remaining hours that may exist for your project. If you have no hours remaining, we may, at our discretion, provide up to two hours of support at no additional charge. If you make requests for support, changes, or revisions beyond the 30 day period of support, TradeBark will bill you for the additional work at our current hourly rates as outlined in your contract, or by written agreement.

Unless other arrangements have been made, any balance you owe TradeBark is due when your new website is launched.

    I approve, launch my website!
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    Made with ❤️ in Savannah, GA.
    © 2025 TradeBark, LLC.

    Made with ❤️ in Savannah, GA.
    © 2025 TradeBark, LLC.
